The DWP needs your help!

Help the DWP improve how people get support from the government in their retirement by taking part in our research.


The Department for Work and Pensions is conducting research to ensure everyone can access and use their services to get support in retirement. Our colleagues need volunteers to take part in research to be able to improve these services.

They want to speak to people who are close to or over State Pension age and people with a disability or access needs to make sure our services are accessible and meet their needs.

They have created a survey to allow people to sign up to take part in research. This could include telephone interviews and asking them to provide feedback on services.

They need your help to make sure we speak to the right people and are inclusive in our research, please would you be able to share this survey with your users and or staff to ask if they’d be interested in taking part.

Click the link below to find out more information